Well, let's see if it works. I had fun browsing through Flickr, esp. the photos from the LOC site from the 1910s. I'm trying to load one of a racecar driver to the right here.
I enjoyed what St. John's/St. Ben's did to their book display (even looked up a few of the books for more information:-) Made me more interested in their library holdings with all of the tags. Some of the tag windows on the pictures in the LOC were really dumb; kinda what you find on a lot of newsgroups; very few were decent posts that added to the image.
I really liked looking for photos of places I've been to on Flickr. I think I'm going to have to scan old ones from past trips--it would be fun to be able to send them to people instead of having them sit in the photo album (like the YouTube video stated:-)
Here is the link to the photo I'm trying to post:
Edit: Ok, I went back, since the photo didn't post at first (had the blank spot with the red x box at the top), found it on the site, clicked on a link for a better JPG image of it, copy and pasted 'that' link, added it in, and the new one works (for whatever reason the other one didn't). Just got rid of the 'failed' one by clicking on it and hitting the delete button. So now I just have the 'right' one I wanted. Will have to play around with it more to get really good--not that difficult, just have to play around and tweak it a little. I might go to Flickr and locate the photo I liked and try to post it in another post, since I already have a Yahoo account and can log in.
another Edit: whoops, forgot to post the other URL for the pix:
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